magic inkwell comic strip theatre
And so, even as great unrest plagues eastern Europe, a smaller war is being waged. This is not a war over race, creed, national heritage, or economy. No, this is a war of IDEAS and THEORY, DEFINITION and PRACTICE, CONTRAST and SEQUENCE. Each skirmish fought on the battlefield of wits. As lines are drawn and sides taken, the participants begin a grand discourse toward a unified vision- a single vision, theory, and practicum for one of the world's strongest and most untapped forms of communication...COMICS!
Scott McCloud posted 03-29-99 11:34 PM ET (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for Scott McCloud    Edit Message
Eric asks:
"scott, are you saying that a single panel only counts as comix if it has at least one more panel following or preceding it?"

More or less, yeah. I'm saying sequence is the element that makes comics "comics."

Eric again:
"if so, it would then follow that "comics" is constructed from 'cartoon panels' the way prose is constructed from letters & words."

Exactly the same way. Though "cartoon panels" might be misleading. "Single images" is more precise. The drawing style doesn't matter. Neither do panel borders. You could make a comic out of a row of painted Fiesta-Ware if you wanted to. Just not out of a single image on a single plate.


m a g i c

i n k w e l l

F I E S T A - W A R E

t h e a t r e

cayetano posted 04-02-99 2:00 PM ET (US)     Click Here to See the Profile for cayetano    Edit Message
remind me to never have bagels and lox so late at night before going to bed ever again, please.